是否进口:否 | 加工定制:否 | 品牌:德国思泰SYS TEC |
型号:3390089、3390090、3393000 | 产品名称:核心模块PLCcore | 适用范围:工业和轻型应用 |
用途:嵌入式系统开发、智能网络节点管理 | 产品认证:***:2008 |
利用PLCcore-E660,一款高性能软PLC,基于可靠的 x86 架构,在嵌入式系统领域获得广泛应用。因为 Intel? Atom?处理器应用于该系统中,PLC 循环时间可达大约 100 ?s。PLCcore-E660 特别适合作为 HMI 部件的核心模块,适用于CPU密集型应用和在系统中轻松使用电脑类PCIe模块。并行于PLC运行时间系统,附加的 Linux 应用可实施。因此,PLCcore-E660 – x86-家族中的一员 – 参与广泛的基于这款处理器架构的软件中。
使PLC能够成为即插即用核心模块,具有小尺寸,***减少开发用户特定控制的工作量和成本。PLCcore-E660 也非常适用于智能网络节点,实现分散处理过程信号(CANopen 和 UDP)。
The PLCcore-E660 is a highly performantSoft-PLC, programmable in IEC 61131-3, with an integrated CANopen-Manger. Dueto the powerful Intel? Atom? processor E660T with 1.3 GHz CPU clock, PLC cycle times around 100 ?scan be reached. The Real Time Linux, applied as operating system, makes itpossible to perform additional arbitrary Linux applications parallel to the PLCRuntime System. Due to the Intel? Atom? processor'smembership in the x86-family, a wide range of available applications can beresorted to. As well, the x86-architecture pertains to the processor families,which are best-provided with drivers by the Linux kernel. Thus, commonly usedPCIe or USB WLAN modules can be applied for the PLCcore-E660 in a trouble-freemanner because of the available drivers. The Linux BSP, included in thedelivery in the form of source code, allows for usage of user-specificperipheral components.
The parallel execution of the PLC RuntimeSystem and additional Linux applications is supported by the Hyper-Threading ofthe Intel? Atom? processor. For data exchange between a Linux application and thePLC Runtime system, inter-process mechanisms such as FIFOs or mutex-protectedShared Memory are available. Furthermore, the PLC has full access to the filesystem. On demand, data can be written to or read from any mounted media.
The module's SATA interface allows forintegration of large mass storage devices to perform a long time logging ofprocess data. The integrated 2GB Solid State Drive has an "ext3" filesystem with active journaling. That's why the file system keeps in a consistentstate even in case of an unexpected power supply crash. The entire root filesystem of the PLCcore-E660 can be mounted as read/write. This simplifiessignificantly the in-the-field support and service, such as update transfer,additional installation of new software or adjustment of configuration files.
The integrated target visualization, basedon the SpiderControl Microbrowser, supports LVDS as well as SDVO (SerialDigital Video Output) as interface for display usage. A standard USB keyboardcan be used as input device. The adjustment of the keyboard layout can be madeby using function blocks of the PLC.
The optional web visualization supportsmonitoring, servicing and diagnostic system analysis from remote PCs, even fromfar.
PLCcore Firmware: IEC61131-3
PLCcore-E660: OpenPCS, Linux, QT optional, CANopen, TCP/IP, program download anddebugging via Ethernet
PLCcore-E660 HMI: OpenPCS, Linux, SpiderControl, CANopen, TCP/IP, Program download anddebugging via Ethernet
Controller: Intel?Atom? Processor E660T
System Clock: 1,3GHz
RAM: 1GiBDDR2 (2GiB optional)
On-board Peripherals: DMA, MMU, hardware watchdog, temperaturesensor, RTC
Fast Ethernet: 2x 10/100/1000Mbps, on-board PHY
CAN: 1
USB: 6xUSB 2.0 host, 12Mbps full-speed
1x USB 2.0 device, 12Mbps full-speed
SPI/I2C: 1/1
Mass storage: eMMC Flash on-board, MMC/SD-card signals on board-to-board connector
Others: SATA,PCIe
Operating Conditions: Temperature: -40°C…+85°C
Humidity: 10-90% RH, non-condensing
Power Supply: 5V +/- 5%, 2A max.
Dimensions/Weight: 105 x 80 x 11 (L x W x H in mm), 50g
Board-to-board connector: 4x 80 pin header socket, 0,8mm pitch
Available on board-to-board connector: CAN, USB device, 6 USB host, I?C, SPI,HD-Audio, SD-card, 9 DIO, 2x Ethernet, 2x SATA, 2x PCIe, LVDS and serial DVOdisplay support
RoHS compliant: yes
Operating System: Linux with X server and QT framework
Integrated Development Environment (IDE): Pre-integrated Eclipse-based IDE with GNU C/C++tool chain, source- and assembly-level debugger, IEC 61131-3 IDE (OpenPCS) withSYS TEC vendor extensions
货号 | 说明 |
3390089 | PLCcore-E660 |
3390090 | PLCcore-E660 - HMI |
3393000 | License Spidercontrol Web Visualization |